Victron Energy

Victron DC/DC converter 20-35 V/30 A

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DC/DC Victron Orion-Tr galvanic-insulated voltage converters from Victron Energy Version Converters and stabilizers V Inlet 20-35 V Outlet 12,5 Adjustable output voltage - A continuous outlet 30 Efficiency % 90 83x130x191 mm ...
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DC/DC Victron Orion-Tr galvanic-insulated voltage converters

Several onboard devices need stabilized voltage or voltage conversion. Input and output galvanic insulation prevents supply drop or interruption due to overload.
Adjustable output voltage and remote control by means of a low-power switch. All models can work in parallel to increase power.
Version:Converters and stabilizers
V Inlet:20-35
V Outlet:12,5
Adjustable output voltage:-
A continuous outlet:30
Efficiency %:90
misure:83x130x191 mm
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